Master Plan update, appointment of the 2023 College Captains and Term 3 wrap up.
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Lake Mungo Immersion and Celebrating the Season of Creation: Listen to the Voice of Creation
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Term 3 Learning and Teaching updates and information on Unit 3/4 Trial Examinations.
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Having a sense of belonging involves more than simply knowing other people. It is also focused on gaining acceptance, attention and support from others, as well as having the opportunity to provide the same to other people.
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Term 3 has been a very busy time as students participated in the Pillars Student Leadership program, applied for 2023 Student Leadership positions, wrote speeches, attended interviews and ran various fundraising activities to support the Vinnies Winter Appeal.
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This term has been a busy one for the Science faculty; we have enjoyed our inaugural STEAM Careers Breakfast, celebrated National Science Week, and had students engage in Monash University’s Nova Rover program amongst the normal teaching and learning program, assessments, and practical work.
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Highlights from the Victorian Secondary Interschool Gymnastics Competition, GSV Athletics Finals Evening and National Aeroschools Championships.
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In Term 3, the Year 9 Visual Communication Design class has learnt how to use a set square and T-square to follow isometric drawing conventions to design a toy for a vision impaired child.
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The Siena Alumnae Wall is a special tribute to our alumnae. Register now to have your name inscribed on the Alumnae Wall.
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Term 4 is definitely the busiest time of year in the Careers department!
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Each year, the Siena Parents’ Association (SPA) hosts an Annual Raffle and you could be just a few clicks away from winning some fantastic prizes!
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Invitation to attend the Come and See event at St Dominic's Parish.
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